John Weinberger Tribute Competitive Rally

Sunday, Jun 13, 2021 at 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM CDT

Continental AutoSports, 420 Ogden Ave, Hinsdale, IL, 60521, United States

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Sale ended

Driver Meal Ticket Partial Approval - $25.00

Please remember to choose a dinner option and purchase a separate passenger ticket.

sales ended

Passenger Meal Ticket Partial Approval - $25.00

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  • Subtotal (excluding fees and discounts) $0.00
  • Fee$0.00
  • Total amount$0.00

Sunday, Jun 13, 2021 at 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM CDT

Continental AutoSports, 420 Ogden Ave, Hinsdale, IL, 60521, United States.

The event will be run following Ferrari Club of America Competitive Rally rules and will be limited to the first 30 cars to register.


FCA Rallies are typically of the fun or Gimmick style, often with an overall time target but always with questions and puzzles to answer along the way while enjoying a scenic drive. This rally will follow the “Gimmick/Photo” format.  Generous awards will be issued to the top three scoring teams.  A Driver and Navigator are required for this event. 


Entrants should arrive at Continental AutoSports by 9:30am.  A “Drivers” meeting will be held at 10:00 am to give further instructions.  The first car will leave Continental AutoSports at 10:30am and cars will leave at approximately 1-minute intervals.  We will hold a tribute to John Weinberger before the start of the event.


Rally documents will be provided the morning of the event. 


Entry fee is $25 per person and includes lunch.  After completing the Rally route and turning in answer sheets, entrants can enjoy lunch and refreshments.  You will make lunch selections during registration. 


Results will be tabulated after the event and entrants will be notified by e-mail. If you would like more information, please contact Larry Pagliaro (  Be sure to bring a clipboard and pen or pencil.  A clipboard is essential as well as face covering. 

FCA Central States

Continental Autosports

Contact the Organizer
